ASCI has on its rolls, a complement of about forty inter-disciplinary faculty members, who have higher degrees and well-rounded (academic and industry) experience in a wide range disciplines and domains. This core team is assisted by a strong contingent of academic and research support staff. The faculty and research teams, based on their domain expertise and research interests, operate from the following Centres:
In addition, the Centre for Innovations in Public Systems (CIPS, is a specialized entity at ASCI, established by the Govt. of India on the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission. The Centre addresses areas that need systematic attention and contributes towards sustainable outcomes in meeting rising social aspirations. It provides assistance to the State Governments in developing policies for promoting an innovative culture for transforming creative ideas into sustainable practices at the local level.
The Centre thus helps create a climate to nurture a culture for accelerating and diffusing innovation in public systems.
Similarly, the Centre for Excellence in Management of Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation (CMLARR,, supported by the World Bank and AusAID, has been offering capacity building interventions and research studies on the new Land Acquisition laws, procedures, compensation, R & R norms, institutional mechanisms, social impact assessment and corporate social responsibility to the Department of Land Resources, Government of India, various state governments, central public sector enterprises as well as the countries in Asia and Africa.
The phenomenol work done by the faculty in all the three core areas of training, research and consulting makes them excellent – a privilege that very few institutions are bestowed with!